Soft and chewy glutinous rice balls that are immersed in tasty and hearty soup. It's a meal in a bowl. Takes less than an hour to make in an instant pot. See how to make these rice balls more interesting by adding color and patterns!
Slice the Chinese sausage in diagonal strips about 2-2.5" (5 - 6 cm) in length
Slice daikon, napa in diagonal strips about 2-2.5" (5 - 6 cm) in length
3 strips Chinese sausage, 454 g Chinese radish, 454 g napa cabbage leaves
Slice shitake mushrooms into ½" (~1 cm) thickness.
5 dried shitake mushrooms
Add the glutinous rice into a bowl and make a well in the center.
300 g glutinous rice flour
Pour the boiling water into the glutinous rice flour and mix with chopsticks or spoon.
150 ml water
Pour the minimal amount of room temperature water and mix.
100-125 ml water
Stir mixture until all the the liquid is absorbed. This should appear crumbly and dry. Don't be tempted to add more water until after kneading by hands.
Squeeze the dough with your hands. If it comes together and forms a ball, DO NOT ADD ANYMORE WATER.
If it appears that it needs additional water, add the water by the teaspoonful as it can be easily oversaturated. After each addition of water, squeeze the dough with your hand to see if it comes together.
Using your hands, knead the dough for 2-3 minutes until well combined. Allow it to rest, covered, for about 10 minutes.
Shaping the balls
Roll the dough into a long snack about 1" (2½ cm) in diameter.
Cut the dough into 1" (2½ cm) pieces.
Roll pieces with palms to form balls.
Cooking the balls
Boil water in a saucepan.
8 cups water
Add salt
1 tsp salt
Add balls to the pot while stirring the water to prevent the balls from sticking to the bottom.
When the balls float to the top, cook for an additional minute.
Using a slotted spoon, remove balls from water and add it to your soup.
Assemble the soup
Strain the pork stock through a sieve or colander.
Add the clear pork stock back into the instant pot.
Turn the instant pot to "saute" and add the rest of the ingredients.
5 dried shitake mushrooms, 454 g napa cabbage leaves, 454 g Chinese radish, 3 strips Chinese sausage
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Pour your soup into individual bowls and top with the glutinous rice balls. Enjoy!